Monday, November 28, 2022

Straight key build (2): First 3D print.

Note: 11/29/22.  I am going to put this project on hold while I order some springs.  I plan to redesign it, preferably using OnShape.   -Steve 

Below is how the key goes together after fitting the parts in TinkerCad

This is the first print of the morse key: 

Unfortunately it's a no go.  I forgot to add support underthe the key platform and the printer to fail construct the underside of the platform 

You can se in the photo above that the bottom of the elevated part of the key platform is just loose filaments. 

The above photo shows my conception of how its supposed to fit together.  There is no assembly drawing or BOM included.  It needs a spring and various screws.  There is also some sort of shaft and bearing that go where lever connects to the key base...  It's a mystery!  I'm going to investigate how the parts fit together before printing the next try, with the support added. 

Straight key build (1)

 Mike sent me a link to a TinkerCad design for a straight key.  I'm going to print out the parts and see how it goes together.  I'll have to or some bearings and a pivot rod.  Here's a screen capture of the TinkerCad model:

Looks like key knob on the left in red, along with low contact holder. In grey is the cradle and key arm. 

Original link is:

Flying PigRig (3): Assembly

 Well, it's been several months, I've gotten busy with a lot of other stuff, particularly Arduino and wireless sensors using ESP8266 and ESP32 boards.  In the meantime I've continued to work on the PigRig assembly in a back burner sort of way. 

The current state of the PigRig board is shown in the photo below.  I'm just starting Step 12 of the assemble instructions,  which is winding transformers and inductors.  I hope to restart assemble sometime this week.