Thursday, December 15, 2022

Loose Ends (1)

Here's a few things going on: 

1) Frequency Synthesizer.  I've been struggling with the code for the KY-040 rotary encoder in the frequency synthesizer.  I was trying to add switch debounce into the code, but this is much easier said than done.  The encoder is very noisy electrically, hence the need to debounce. But time for the fall of the CLK signal and the change of the DT signal is often just a couple of milliseconds... The DT line really needs to be sampled at the fall of CLK...   I'm running some experiments to characterize the problem, and will write a white paper on it later. 

2)  QRP LABS 10W amp.  I ordered a 10W linear amp from QRP Labs.  It apparently ships from Turkey.  It finally arrived yesterday.  The other QRP brother, KA5VZE, has promised to put the kit together for me.  We're going to drive the 10W amp with the frequency synthesizer to make a transmitter.  More on this later.  See photo below. 

3) The "Morris" Morse straight key:  I picked up the homemade "Morris" KA5VZE straight key yesterday.  It's awesome!  Now I just need a transmitter to plug it into...  
I want to customize it even more.  Maybe some idealized nose flames, or a mud flaps girl silhouette.. 

4)  Computer oscilloscope.  My bench oscilloscope is a Tek TDS2014.  It's fairly nice. 100 MHz bandwidth digital scope with 4 channels. The frustrating thing is that it doesn't have any way to offload digital data or even jpegs of the display.   I have an old TiePie Handscope HS4 lying around that I got from somewhere.  It's about 10 years old.  I'm going to try to get this going for the encoder study I'm planning.  This scope is displayed and controlled from a Windows computer.  The software is still available and I've downloaded it. Let's see if it works.  As I recall the scope had 100 ns, 12 bit sampling, and some huge buffer size. 

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